Clipping Magic offers several neat tools to enable to you to get a really polished result - be sure to try them out before hitting download!
Leave the background transparent, or set it to one of several convenient color presets, or use the color picker to pick any color.
Make the selected background color the default for new images.
Adjust the colors to liven up a bleak image:
These can make the difference between dull and eye-popping.
Make Auto Color Levels the default for new images.
If your camera's auto white balance let you down, you can always correct it after the fact. Eye-drop a neutral (white / gray) color in your image and Clipping Magic corrects the white balance for you.
If your photo was taken against a non-white / gray background, then the background color may have reflected onto the foreground, causing it to appear tinted. To remove this color cast, check the box. If the auto-suggested color is off, correct it with the eyedropper. Try increasing the Foreground Guard level if the foreground colors get too affected by the color cast removal.
You can manually set the crop by clicking and dragging the handles. You can lock an Aspect Ratio or a Target Pixel Size.
You can specify the margin in pixels or percent, and have the result vertically aligned (for when constraints cause excess vertical space). You can ignore the shadows, pad evenly on both sides to fit the shadows, or tightly to only add padding where it's needed to not cut off the shadow.
You can specify a synthetic size for your object. This is useful for eCommerce where you may want to give the shopper a rough sense of the size of the product relative to other products.
Use Target Size with Fit To Result to produce consistently cropped and sized output.
Rotate your image in 90 degree steps, or fine tune the straightening if the camera was slightly angled when taking the shot.
Make your settings the default for new images.
Clipping Magic makes it a breeze to add photorealistic shadows to your results. Place oval shadows or just check the boxes and then customize them to your needs.
Add any number of oval shadows. You can fully control their placement, rotation, extent, core radius and opacity.
You can also add a drop shadow with configurable opacity and blur. Move the drop shadow by clicking the button and then clicking and dragging in the image.
You can emulate a glow by using a large blur and moving the drop shadow so that it's more directly underneath the subject.
For objects that are not lying flat, you can clip the drop shadow so that it only affects the parts that are close to the ground.
You can also add a reflection / mirror shadow with configurable opacity and height. Use the offset to create a gap between the object and the reflection to make it appear to float about the surface.
Add control points along the bottom of your subject to make the shadow follow the appropriate reflecting outline.
Add a cast (i.e. perspective) shadow by checking the box and moving the green bars.
The near (bottom) bar controls the starting point of the shadow and you normally align it with the bottom of the subject.
The far (top) bar controls the foreshortening of the shadow.
Experiment a little - with a few tweaks you can usually create a great looking shadow!
Lower the Opacity Scale to make the shadow fade out faster in the distance.
Increase the Blur Scale to make the shadow blur out more in the distance.