
Clipping Magic offers a specialized Processing Mode for scans and photos of text. It can extract the extremely fine, gritty details you can find in scans or photos of signatures and official stamps.

Step-by-step tutorial

In the tutorial below we remove the background from a photo of a signature. You can follow along with this written tutorial, or try out this image for yourself in the Editor. View Example In Editor »

The example edits are slightly different from the tutorial below.

1. Upload image

Clipping Magic immediately analyzes your image and automatically produces a result:

Original + Marks

Original tutorial image with marks


Tutorial image result

Example artificially edited so as to illustrate the need for touchups.

2. Inspect & edit Optional

Scan mode works a little differently from the other modes. It operates by analyzing the area marked in yellow to figure out what's background and what's foreground in that zone. Anything that's not marked with yellow defaults to background.

This means that you want to make sure that all parts of your signature, stamp, or other foreground are well covered by yellow marks. If the automatic marks came up short, then use the hair tool to add any missing marks.

While normally not necessary, if the foreground appears too faded out or transparent, you can zoom far in and add selective green marks to bring those spots up to 100% opacity.

Original + Marks

Original tutorial image with marks


Tutorial image result

3. Download result

Tips for success

The marking rules are a bit different in Scan Mode:

Marking Rules

Green =100% Foreground = Always fully kept in the result
Yellow =0-100% Foreground = Partially transparent in the result.
Red or Unmarked =100% Background = Always fully removed from the result
Be sure to highlight the foreground with Yellow. Selectively apply Green marks to bring back any faded out foreground.


Certain features are not available in Scan mode as they are fundamentally incompatible with how it works. Specifically:

  1. The Scalpel tool
  2. The Refine Edges controls


Your image size exceeds your active size limit. Please crop the image to the portion you wish to clip.

Lock Aspect Ratio
Size Limit

Original Image

Aspect Ratio:

Cropped Image

Aspect Ratio:

Cropped image exceeds size limit and will be scaled to fit.

Size limit met, full resolution preserved.